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Nibelungenlied LE Club 1960, Illustr. E. Legrand
Living Talmud, Wisdom LEC 1960, Illustr. Ben-Zion
Dietz, Stammbuch der Frankfurter Juden 1907
2V Newton Philosophiae Mathematica 3ed 1972
3V Feynman Lectures on Physics 1963-1965
2V Works of Edmund Burke, London 1854
15V Complete Works of John Ruskin, T. Crowell NY
2V Picturesque America Illustr 1872, WC Bryant
8V Winsor Narrative & Crit History America 1884-9
Works of Benjamin Franklin, Essays w His Life 1825
Dana, Hospitable England in the 70s: Diary 1921
Ernst Haeckel, Visit to Ceylon, Boston 1883
Thomas, Icknield Way Illustrated, London 1916
Holmes, Caesar's Conquest of Gaul 2ed 1931 Oxford
13V Works of John Ruskin Deluxe Ed Quinby Co
2V Picturesque Palestine Sinai Egypt, Illustr 1881
18V Lavisse, Histoire de France, 9 Tomes 1900-26
1736 German Illustr Bible w Civil War Provenance
Uuno Kailaasta Aila Meriluotoon w/ Auth. Sgns 1947
Brachet, Traite d'Embryologie des Vertebres 1921
Latcham, Arqueologia de la Region Atacamena 1938
3 Bks, Arabischen Papyruskunde, Philology, Sprache
7 Vols English Theatre, London 1791-95, Illustr.
5V Livii Patavini Historiarum 1813 in Vellum
Documents General Assembly of IN Part II, 1865
Religious Society Friends Towards Ind. Tribes 1844
Treatise on Statute of Frauds, 1807 W. Roberts,
New Treatise on Use of Globes, 1826 T. Keith,
8V Spectator, #1-#635, 1710-1711 London
3V Annual Report Bureau Ethnology 1879, 1880, 1902
Wyss, Le Robinson Suisse 1883 French Ed
3V Rainer Maria Rilke Diaries Letters German 1930s
Longfellow Song of Hiawatha, 1856 Ticknor & Fields
Seasons 32mo, Illustrated, 1827 Thomson
5V Revolution Francaise Historie de Dix Ans 1844
Hoofs Claws & Antlers By the Camera, 1894 Wallihan
Gravel & Placer Mining Alaska USGS, 1905 Purington
Sketches in London, Grant 1868, Illustr by Phiz
2V Paris & Environs 200 Picturesque Views 1830
12V Novels & Letters Jane Austen 1906 Illustr.
Cluny Les Eglises & Maison Conant, 1968 MAA Press
Dante's Inferno Illustr. Gustave Dore, Cassell
History of Ancient Pottery, Birch 1873, Illustr.
Year-Book of Spiritualism for 1871
Etruscan Bologna, Burton 1876, Illustrated
9V Annual Register History & Politics 1840s-1852
8V Oeuvres de Mirabeau, Merilhou, 1834-1835
2V Sex Variants Homosexual Patterns 1941, 1st Ed.
5 Books, Works of Wilkie Collins 1899-1905
2V Life & Times of Benjamin Franklin, Parton 1864
Baha'i World Biennial Record V5, 1932-1934
2 Bks Tristram Shandy, Life Hutchinson Fine Bindgs
Juvenal's Satires Latin Ed 1835, D Coleridge Plate
2V In Darkest Africa Stanley, Illustrated 1890
3V Colas Le Style en France - Roman, Gothic, Ren.
2V Histoire de France 1770, Velly French Language
Memoires de Philippe de Commynes 1881 French Ed
3V Oeuvres de Buffon, Illustrated 1839
4V Bolingbroke Letters & Correspondence 1798
William Lilly's Life & Times, 1822
2V History of England Under Anglo-Saxon Kings 1845
12V Historie des Ducs de Bourgogne 1854 Illustr
8V Histoire de France 6-8th C, 1812 Lacretelle
4V Precis de l'Histoire Ancienne 1803, Royou
Strike at Shane's, Gene Stratton-Porter 1893
3V Louis Lanoizelee Works Signed, Inscribed Rare
4V Poetical Works Longfellow Illustrated, 1879
Lazarettos in Europe, Plague 1789 Illustr.
Cyclopaedia of Methodism, Illustrated 1878
4V English Poets 1882 Cabinet Ed, T.H. Ward
Scotland Illustrated Vol 2, W. Beattie 1838
Don Quixote Cervantes, Illustrated by G. Dore
9V Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece 1793
4V Les Convulsions de Paris, du Camp 1879
2V Sainte-Beuve, Andre Billy 1952, Fine Bindings
3V Letters of Madame de Maintenon 1772 New Ed
Rysan, Study of Wilhelm Meinhold's Bernsteinhexe
3V Memoirs History Madame de Maintenon 1758
8V Memoires de Madame la Comtesse de Genlis 1825
3V Deutsche Dichtung Goethe, Jean Paul + 1910
2V Memoirs of Court of France, Lewis XIV, 1791
2V Abrege de L'Histoire Universelle 1758
2V Avantures de Telemaque Fils D'Ulysse 1738
Wm Morris, Story Grettir the Strong, Longmans1901
Wm Morris, Tale House Wolfings, Longmans1901
Linus Pauling General Chemistry 1st Ed 1947
Fisher, Design of Experiments 2nd Ed 1937
Across America & Asia Journey, Pumpelly, 1870
2V Lectures Theoretical Physical Chemistry Hoff
2V Histoire du Canada 1852, French Language
Steinbeck Moon is Down 1st Ed w Jacket
Hebrew Prayers w English Translation, Copper Inlay
2V Matieres Explosives Berthelot 1883 Paris 3rd Ed
Cranston, Structure of Matter 1924 First Ed.
1850 Logic & Utility of Mathematics, C. Davies
1869 Chemistry Applied to Dyeing, Napier, Illustr
Mr. Tompkins Explores the Atom 1944, G. Gamow
1874 Die Mechanik der Warme, JR Mayer Stuttgart
Fearing, Big Clock First Ed 1946 w DJ
Elements of Chemistry & Electricity, Rolfe 1868
Chemistry Meteorology & Function of Digestion 1855
1842 Manual of Chemistry 4th Rev Ed, Johnston
Hydrostatics Pneumatics 1832 Lardner
2 Chemistry Lab Manuals c 1900 w Student Notations
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome V1, 1917
Tom Swift & His Air Scout, Appleton 1919 w DJ
3 Tom Swift Books w DJs 1910-1918, War Tank, Moto+
9 Tom Swift Books 1910-28, Airship, Talking Pics+
Tom Swift & His Electric Locomotive 1922 w DJ
Tom Swift & His Giant Cannon 1913 w DJ
9 Tom Swift Books 1910-15, Airship, Talking Pics+
3 Tom Swift Books w DJs 1912-1921, House Wheels +
2 Tom Swift Books Whitman 1933-35 Planet Stone+
3 Tom Swift Books Big Dirigible, Giant Magnet +
9 Tom Swift Books 1910-25 Air Glider, Big Tunnel +
3 Tom Swift Books Whitman Sky Train Ocean Airport+
7 Tom Swift Books 1920-29 Oil Gusher, Undersea +
9 Tom Swift Books 1910-16, Diamond Mkrs, Sub Boat+
Tom Swift Giant Telescope 1939, Whitman Little Bk
2V History of the World, Great Sensations 1887
5V Flammarion Art Monographs 1960s Degas
21V Irish, Welsh Mediaeval Modern Series 1940s-60s
3V Chroniques de Froissart 1879
18 Bks, Douze Meilleures Oeuvres Historiques 12V
12V, Oeuvres Completes de Honore de Balzac 1912
Histoire de France, Illustrated 1925 Fine Binding
3V Principa Mathematica Cambridge 2nd Ed 1950
Report of Commissioner of Patents Agriculture 1855
Louvre, a Ceramique Chinoise VI, 1922 Illustr.
Ribbon Workers, Hiatt 1878, Uncommon Temperance Bk
Aytoun, Lays of Scottish Cavaliers Poems 1852
Conversations on English Grammar, 3rd Ed 1826
4V La France au Temps des Croisades 1844-47
2V Lexique Compare Langue de Corneille 1862
Mineral & Mosaical Geologies, G. Penn 1822 London
New York Standard Guide w Illustr., Map 1917
Trifles in Verse, Fugitive Poems, Cist 1845
Deserted Village, Oliver Goldsmith, Illustr 1861
Pleasures of Hope Poems, T. Campbell 1825 New Ed
Roycrofters, Dreams, Olive Schreimer 1901
3V Washington West of Cascades, Illustr 1917
Travelers' Railway Guide W. Section 1909 Pocket Ed
Civilization of Babylonia & Assyria, Illustr. 1915
Constantinople, City of the Sultans Illustr. 1895
Through the Heel of Italy, Hooker, Illustr. 1927
M.E.S. Melville Stone AP Tribute 1918, K. Cooper
Geology, Botany...Zoology of MA, 1833 Vol I
Scrambles Amongst Alps 1860-9, Whymper 1900 Illust
Peru Land of the Incas Squier, Illustr. 1877
Kachru, Intro to Spoken Kashmiri Pt 1, 1973 Galley
3V Anecdotes of Painting in England 1786
Contemporary Japanese Prints Kawakita 1967, 1st Ed
Portul Popular Romanesc, Illustr Romanian Costume
5 Bks, 2V Congreve, 2V Court Louis, Weld Auvergne
20V in 10 Bks, History Consulate & Empire 1845-61
7V Lettres de Marquise de Sevigne, Paris 1861
Kingston, In the Eastern Seas, Tale for Boys 1871
Chisholm, Stanford Geography Europe, V1 w Maps+
Memorials of Peter A. Jay, 1929 Presentation Copy
Alice Adventures Wonderland Illustr, Assoc Mahler
Burroughs, Princess of Mars Illustr. 1917, 1st Ed
Posthumous Papers Pickwick Club, Part 5th 1837
Rambles in Mammoth Cave in 1844 Illustr.
Baedeker's United States Handbook w Maps 1909
1676 Martialis, Ex Museo Petri Scriverii, Vellum
Preces Niersis Clajensis Sedecim Linguis, 1818
Odd-Fellows' Pocket Companion 1863
8V Annual Register 1832-3, 1835-40 Views of Year
10V Works of Francis Bacon, New Ed 1826
Souvenir of Sister Counties Southern CA Illustr.
Golden Treasury Songs & Lyrics Illust Parrish 1911
Secret Memoirs Princess Lamballe M Antoinette 1901
Selected Flower Arrangement of Ohara School V2
Alison, Miscellaneous Essays 1845
3V Memoirs, England Under the Stuarts 1882
Mirror of True Womanhood Bk of Instruction 1878
American History Indian Tribes, Antiquities+ 1847
Poetical Works Longfellow 1891 Tree Calf Binding
Junius, Stat Nominis Umbra, Letters 1810
3V Correspondence Countess Hartford & Pomfret 1806
2V Poetical Works Robert Burns 1887
Guide to Antiquites & Scenery of the Border 1838
Memoranda on Poisons, Tanner, 7th Amer Ed 1892
Illustr Froissart's Chronicles England Lilly Assoc
Meridiana Adventures in South Africa, Verne 1874
Ingoldsby Legends Mirth Marvels, 1866 Fine Binding
Carroll Alices's Adventures, Tenniel Illustr. 1907
Spirit Manifestations, JB Dods, 1854
Water-Cure Applied to Every Known Disease 1855
11V Annual Register Between 1801 - 1819
2V Gavarni Peintre et Lithographe 1924, 1928
Folio V. Pintaric, Bosna 1938 w 23 Lithos
7V Robert Dictionnaire Alphabetique Francaise 1973
Peinture Gothique Suede et Norvege 1916 Illustr
2 Folios V. Kirin, Zagreb 1925 w 25 Lithos, Plates
Carrey Drawings of Parthenon Sculptures Illustr.
9V Edgar Allen Poe Complete Works 472/500 Arnheim
5 Bks, 4V History of the Times 1785 - 1948
Script of Cologne Hildebald - Hermann Illustr 1932
Pronouncing Parallel Bible w Ornate Binding Illust
8V Annual Register Between 1820-1828
6V Houvet Chartres Portail, Architecture Plates
7V Bibliothek Gesammten Medicinischen Wissenschaft
History of 105th Reg. of Engineers, Illustr., 1919
Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Enlg Toller, Oxford U Press
Peytier Album Morea Scientific Exp. Illustr. Folio
Arnold Bocklin Folio of 40 Heliogravures c 1892
Hopkins Experimental Science Physics 1890
Practice of Pharmacy A Treatise, Illustr. 1891
3V Text-Book of Physics 1902-1920, Illustrated
War Gases, Chemistry & Analysis, Sartori 1939
Crowther, Outline of Universe 1931 w DJ, Illustr.
Short History of Natural Science 1893, A. Buckley
Lessons in Botany & Manual Botany 1859, 2V Bound
History of Natural Philosophy 1st Ed 1834, Powell
2 Chemistry Textbooks 1863 & 1869 Odling, Silliman
3 Bks Electric Science, Inventions of Watt, Nature
3 Bks Natural History, Chemistry, Nat'l Philosophy
3 Bks Animal As Machine, Grammar Science, Life Sci
2 Bks 1826 Chemical Instructor, 1872 Chemistry
2 Bks 1896 Molecular Theory, 1902 Expansion Gases
13V Norroena, N. Europe Library Classics Viking Ed
3V L'Odyssee, Homer French & Greek Text 1924
1797 Third Ed Encyclopaedia Britannica 17V +Plates
49V Works Charles Dickens Household Ed 1860s
Chaucer Canterbury Tales 2V LE Club 1934 w Case
Penny Magazine of Useful Knowledge 1835 Bound Iss.
Researches in Prehistoric Galilee 1925-26 Ex LOC
Stratford Gallery 45 Portraits 1867 Fine Binding
3V Les Fleuves de France, c.1880s Rhone, Loire +
3V Paris de 1800 a 1900, Fine BInding 1900
3V Les Chroniques de Froissart, 1835 Fine Binding
2V Life & Pontificate Leo 10th, 1846 Tree Calf Bnd
6V Memoires de Viel Castel 1883 Signed Binding
2V Defense of Faith & Saints, Roberts 1907
Ainslee's Magazine Bound Feb - July 1902, 6 Issues
4V Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry 1927
2 Bks Cooke, Chemical Philosophy 1870 & 1879
3 Bks Physics, Atom & Void, Kinetics of Cells
3 Bks Nephritis, Medical Chemistry, Ag Chemistry
2 Bks Elementary Chemistry, Rural Econ & Chemistry
Wells's Priniciples Applications of Chemistry 1858
Odling, Lectures on Animal Chemistry 1866
Anatomy, Sanitary Science, Embalming, 1906
Permanent Colours, Dyeing, Calico Printing 1814
Cuno, Observationes Microscopia Facsmile 1976
24V Rousseau Works, Paris 1823-1825
6V Dufay Opera Omnia 1960-66 w Contemp Binding
3V Works of Francis Bacon 1876
Practical Treatise Disease of Children 1847
1786 Dictionary English Language V1, 8th Ed.
5V Oeuvres Completes de Mesdames de La Fayette
Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers w Porsoniana 1887
Decorum, Treatise on Etiquette & Dress 1879
4V Memoires de Constant Valet de Napoleon 1894
Anecdotes Sur la Comtesse Du Barry, 1880
Architecture Francaise au Mont Saint-Michel 1899
Madame de Pompadour, 1888 Illustr, Fine Binding
Etymological Dictionary of English Language 1888
Dictionary of English Language, 1846 w Pronounc.
Black's Law Dictionary 3rd Ed 1933
Grammatica Celtica Editio Altera, 1871
Vocabulario de Refranes 1924, Tree Calf Binding
Complete Works John Bunyan Illustr 1873 Fine Bind.
Guide to Slavonic Languages 1951 De Bray
Objects from Samaria, Illustrated 1957
Coptic Dictionary, WE Crum, 1972
2 German Bks Beitrage Geschichte, Sprachlaute
2V Henry Demarest Lloyd Bio 1912, Assoc Dedication
3V Papers of the Earls of Marchmont 1831
2V Courtiers & Favourites of Royalty #3/500, 1903
2V Language & Literature Antient Greece 1854-7
3V History of the Crusades, Michaud 1881-2 Amer Ed
To the Best of My Memory, Terhune 1930 First Ed
Aphorisms in Diseases of the Rectum, 1886 - Scarce
Roughing It, Twain, Illustr. 1892
Tramp Abroad, Twain, Illustr. 1880, 1st 2nd State
Travel & Adventure Territory of Alaska 1869
Darwin Naturalist's Voyage Round the World 1888
American Landmarks, Collection of Pictures 1893
Rumania Painted Churches Moldavia, 1962 Folio
Honore Daumier 240 Lithographs 1946 Folio
Hallristningar Fran Bohuslan, Glyphes des Rochers
4 Bks Russian, Bulgarian Costumes, Illustr. Folios
Webster's English Dictionary Unabridged 2nd 1849
Portrait Biographical Album Fond du Lac Co WI 1889
Portrait Biographical Record 3 MO Counties 1895
Hitchcock Elementary Geology 8th Ed 1847 Signed
4V Thenard, Traite de Chimie 1834-5 Rebound
2V Life of Benjamin Silliman MD, 1866
2V Whewell History Inductive Sciences 1859 Rebound
Laurent, Chemical Method 1855, Rebound
Electricity & Matter w Diagrams 1st London Ed 1904
2 Bks Mechanics 1832, Amer Chem Soc Journal 1893
2V Elements of Chemistry 1860, Regnault
4 Bks Analysis, Chemistry, Physics, Philosophy
2 Bks Sub-Atoms, Avogadro & Dalton - Signed & Ded.
4V Journal, Memoires des Goncourt 1956
4V Vie de Frederic II, Roi de Prusse 1788
2V Herodoto de Halicarnaso, 1884
Album of Remembrance Leavitt & Allen 19C Blank Bk
4 Bound Volumes Eclectic Magazine 1861, 1865-70
6V Kansas Historical Collections 1911 - 1930
4V Robertson's Works, Scotland & Charles V, 1851
Life & Works of Cavendish, Wilson 1851
Arctic Prairies: Canoe Journey f Caribou 1911
History of Indians of Connecticut, 1851
2V Bound Appleton's Journal 1869, 1870
2V Corpus Poeticum Boreale, Poetry N. Tongue 1883
4V Diary George Templeton Strong 1835-1876, 1952
6 Bks, 5V WVA Geological Survey + Ohio Mines 1910
10V Annual Register Between 1790 - 1800
13V Anatole France, Definitive Edition Dodd-Mead
Alfarabi Catalogo de las Ciencias 1932
8V HIstory of the People of the US 1927-28
Genius of JMW Turner 1903 Illustrated
3V Harper's New Monthly Magazine 1865 - 1870 Bound
Treatise on Human Physiology 5th Ed 1871
Night Before Christmas 1896 McLoughlin Bros Illust
Demorest's Illust Monthly Magazine Jan 1868 w Fldr
Maude Adams Book, 1909 Illustrated
JW Riley, Raggedy Man 1907 Illustr Board Bk 1/2
JW Riley, Raggedy Man 1907 Illustr Board Bk 2/2
Signed Johnny Donnels Into Photography Monograph
Prelude to Modern Science 1946 Wellcome Museum
Codex Egberti 1884, Illustr Fine Binding
Sanskrit-English Dictionary Oxford 1951 New Ed
Manuel D'Epigraphie Akkadienne 5th Ed 1976
Monographie der Nematoden 1866 w Plates
Gothisches Glossar von Ernst Schulze c1848
Liebig's Complete Works on Chemistry
System of Human Anatomy 4th Amer Ed 1852
Introduction Geometrie Superieure, 1865 w Diagrams
10 Bks in Series, Fine Bindings Macaulay, Belloy +
8 Bks, Fine Bindings Goncourt, Tocqueville, More +
3 Bks Romance of Science Tops, Soap, Splash
Chemistry Inorganic & Organic, 1873
2V Polya Mathematics & Plausible Reasoning 1954
3V Elements Chemical & Physical Geology 1854-9
4V Chemical Essays Parkes 1815
Chemistry Wisdom & Beneficence of God, 1844
Philosophical Essay on Probabilities, 2nd Ed 1917
2V Life & Letters of Faraday 1870
Chemistry in Modern Life 1925
Thomson, Corpuscular Theory of Matter 1907
Elements of Medical Chemistry 1825, Fine Binding
Development of Periodic Law, Venable 1896
Joyce Finnegans Wake First Ed 1939 Faber & Faber
2V Henry James, Charles Eliot Harvard U Pres 1930
Dictionnaire Analogique de Francaise 8th Ed
2V HIstoire de Jules Cesar 1866, Fine Binding
5V Memoirs of Talleyrand 1895, Finely Bound
3V Theatre de Seneque, 1822, Uncommon
Grammaire Arts Du Dessin 2nd Ed 1870
Dictionnaire de l'Art, la Curiosite, 1883 Illustr.
11V Annual Register History & Politics 1759-1778
5 French Bks Histoire, La Comedie, Renaissance
3 Bks West Indies, Self-Help, Crown of Wild Olive
3V History of France Crowe 1830, Fine Binding
Chemical Warfare, Wachtel, 1941
Elements Agricultural Chemistry 1815
6V Annual Register History & Politics 1781-1789
2V Obres d'Auzias March 1912, Barcelona
2V Obres Completas G. Blest Gana 1907
Picasso Artista & la Obra de Nuestro Tiempo 1st Ed
Cyrano de Bergerac First Ed, Paris 1898
3 Bks Chile, La Tirania 2v, Huidobro Poems 1938-48
La Cuisinier de la Campagne 1896
Field Book of Wild Birds & Their Music 1904
2 Bks Heat & Life, Photosynthesis
2 Bks Explosion Investigation, Higher Form Killing
3V Worlds Within Worlds Nuclear Energy, Asimov
Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico Latinum 1772
Literary Digest Vol 59, Oct-Dec 1918 Bound Issues
5V Cosmos Description of Universe 1852-9
2 Bks Chemistry Anc. Mesopotamia, Assyrian Grammar
Sri Eknath Easwaran With My Love & Blessings Illst
41 Bks Issues Colophon, New Colophon, Graphics +
4V Les Francais Encyclopedie Morale 1841 Illustr
3V Mysteries of Paris 1845 Illustr.
6V Spectator, New Edition Revised 1867, Chalmers
Recreations Mathematics & Natural Philosophy 1840
Rambles in the Path of the Steam-Horse 1855
3V Harvard Medical School History 1782-1905, 1905
9V George Sand Handy Library Ed c 1900
9V Letter Madame de Sevigne to Her Daughter 1811
3V Die Sagen der Juden, Bin-Gorion 1919
3 Spanish Bks Clarin, Lord Byron 2V Don Juan
4 Spanish Language Bks Alhue Novella, Artista +
3 Spanish Bks Poesia, Pintura Caballete, Panadero
4 Bks Disraeli, Burns, Rogers Fine Bindings
3V Plan of St. Gall 1979 Illustrated
3V Wandering Jew, Eugene Sue, Illustr. 1889
Adler, El Sentido de la Vida w DJ 1959
Transits of Venus, 1874 Illustrated
Wilde, 2V Spanish Lang Bound, Ideas, Tragedia Vida
El Profeta 2nd Ed, Gibran, Spanish Lang 1967
Old Tales from Spain, Junior Books 1929 w DJ
11 Bks US Hse Comm. Science & Astronautics 60s-70s
Book of Fate w Chart & Illustr Facsimile, 1927
Life of Christ & Apostles, Evangelists Illus. 1854
History Indianpolis & Marion County IN 1884 lllust
Dance of Death & BIble Woodcuts Holbein 1947
Colton & Fitche's Modern School Geography 1858
Elbert Hubbard Contemplations 1902 Roycrofters
Diseases of Nose Throat & Ear Illustr, 1909
Diseases of Ear Nose & Throat 1926 Illustr. Hays
Popper Logic of Scientific Discovery 1959 w DJ
New Physiognomy Illustrated 1872
2V Stuart's Commentary on the Hebrews 1827, 1st Ed
2V Oeuvres Madame des Houlieres 1798
Epworth League Convention Programme 1899
Marcus Aurelius to Himself, 1902 Vellum, Golden Tr
Standard Medial Directory of N America 1903-4
Leisure Hour 1869 Bound Journal Issues, Illustr.
7V Legends of the Jews, Ginzberg 1960s
3V Grundriss der Geramnischen Philologie 1901-09
2V Old Paris, Lady Jackson Illustrated 1895
3V Historia La Republica Romana, 1884
Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress 1805, 2 Vols in 1
Bunyan Pilgrims Progress Noel Douglas Replica 1928
2 German Bks Lukardis, Golowin H. Wolfe Assoc.
2 German Bks Gustav Mahler, H. Wolfe Assoc.
3 German Bks Japan, Marc, H. Wolfe Assoc.
3 German Bks Rattenfanger +, French, H. Wolfe Assc
3 German Bks Goethe, Wegner, Hesse, H. Wolfe Assoc
3 German Bks Futuristengefahr, Kool + Wolfe Assoc
5 German, French Bks Thomas Mann, H. Wolfe Assoc
3 German Bks Rainer Maria Rilke, H. Wolfe Assoc
4V German, Stefan George 1915-16, H. Wolfe Assoc
2 German Bks, Stefan George Dante + H. Wolfe Assoc
4V German, Stefan George Baudelaire +, Wolfe Assoc
2V German, S. George Zeitgenoessische, Wolfe Assoc
3V Jahrbuch Geistige Bewegung 1910-12 Wolfe Assoc
4V Hans Bethge, German 1908-1912 Wolfe Assoc
Die Gute Madelieine 1923, Helmut Wolfe Assoc
Vivilore, 20th C Book f Women Illustr. 1904
Spondylotherapy, Illustrated 1910, A. Abrams
10V Messages & Papers of Presidents 1903
3 Finely Bound Spanish Bks, 2V Literatura, Ruskin
15+ Publications & Maps Alaska Gold, Mining +
Anna & King of Siam 1st, 1944 w Kerr Signed Photo
Trips Through Somaliland & Abyssinia 1903 Illustr
Frances Densmore & Amer Indian Music Author Signed
Coombs Theory of Data 1964 w DJ, Marchand Assoc
Lockstep & Corridor 35 Yrs Prison Life 1927
Chicago May Her Story 1928
Narcotics & Narcotic Addiction 1954
Worby, Other Half Autobiography of a Tramp 1937
De Night in De Front From Chreesmas, Gross 1927
Meine Erfahrungen mit der Leica 1934 Illustr.
Album #3, Journal Le Rire, Bound Issues Illus 1948
Dickens Dolly Varden Little Coquette, Little Folks
Duncan, Chemistry of Commerce Illustrated 1907
Uri Lifshitz Monograph, Signed, Illustrated 1986
Indiana University Alumni Quarterly July 1918
Bhagavad Gita LE Club 1964, Illustr Srimati w Case
10V Sermons S. Clarke, HC Holles Association, 1731
4V Sermons Wm Clagett, HC Holles Assoc. 1704,1720
Motor Show Annual 1930 Catalog, Illustrated
Burgess, Hamilton Co & Civil War, Signed 1967
Military Motor Transportation 1923 Coast Artillery
When the Frost is on Punkin, JW Riley Illustr 1911
Romola, G. Eliot 1889 New Ed Complete 1V
More Indian Lore 1968, Signed L. Shultz w DJ
Goebbels Diaries 1948, 1st Ed Doubleday